Privacy Policy

PlexusDx, Inc. is dedicated to protecting your privacy and ensuring a safe online experience. This Privacy Policy applies to the website ("Site") and governs data collection and usage. By using the Site, you agree to the data practices outlined in this Privacy Policy. Please read the full policy for comprehensive information. Here, PlexusDx, Inc. is referred to as "we" or "us," and users are referred to as "you."

This Privacy Policy covers all websites owned and operated by PlexusDx, Inc., including, related pages, features, content, products, and services offered by us, our affiliates, parent companies, and partners (collectively, the "Services"). Our products, such as PlexusDx Precision Medication or PlexusDx Precision Nutrition, are collectively referred to as "PlexusDx, Inc. Tests." This policy aims to help you understand how we collect, use, store, process, and transfer your information when using our Services.

Please review this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions. By using our Site and Services, you acknowledge and agree to the policies and procedures described herein. If you disagree with any aspect of this Privacy Policy or our Terms and Conditions, please discontinue use of our Site and Services immediately.

Key Definitions

  • Aggregate Information: Data combined with that of other users and analyzed as a whole, so no specific individual can be identified.
  • De-identified Information: Data stripped of your Registration Information (e.g., name, contact details) and other identifiers, making it impossible to identify you individually.
  • Individual-level Information: Data about a single individual’s genotypes, not necessarily tied to Registration Information.
  • Personal Information: Data that can identify you, either alone or in combination with other information. PlexusDx, Inc. collects and stores the following types of Personal Information:
    • Registration Information: Data you provide when registering or purchasing our Services (e.g., name, email, address, user ID and password, payment information).
    • Genetic Information: Data regarding your genotypes processed by PlexusDx, Inc. or its affiliates.
    • Self-Reported Information: Data you provide directly, including current medications, ethnicity, gender, age, and other information entered into surveys, forms, or features.
    • Sensitive Information: Health information, Genetic Information, and certain Self-Reported Information such as racial and ethnic origin, and sexual orientation.
    • User Content: All information, data, text, software, music, audio, photographs, graphics, video, messages, or other materials – excluding genetic Information and Self-Reported Information – generated by users of PlexusDx, Inc. Services.
    • Web-Behavior Information: Data on how you use PlexusDx, Inc. Services collected via log files, cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies (e.g., browser type, domains, page views).

Information We Collect

PlexusDx, Inc. collects personally identifiable information such as your email address, name, home or work address, telephone number, and other data you provide, including services of interest and medications. We also collect anonymous demographic information, such as ZIP code, age, gender, preferences, interests, and favorites.

We collect Web-Behavior Information via cookies and other tracking technologies when you use and access our Site. Additionally, PlexusDx, Inc. collects information you share directly with us when you or your healthcare provider place an order, create an account, complete surveys, contact us, or when we contact you. This data can be categorized as Registration Information, Self-Reported Information, and/or User Content.

With your consent, we or our affiliates may extract your DNA from Test Kits to produce your Genetic Information and provide you or your doctor with the results.

How We Use Information

We process Personal Information to:

  1. Provide Our Services: Processing payments, shipping kits, creating accounts, authenticating logins, analyzing samples, generating reports, and delivering results.
  2. Analyze and Improve Services: Developing new reports, tools, and services, fixing bugs, analyzing website use, and assessing marketing campaigns.
  3. Interest-based Advertising: We use third parties for advertisements on third-party websites or other media. You can opt out if desired.
  4. Communicate with You: Responding to questions and sending news, updates, and educational material related to our Services.
  5. Legal Compliance: Using your personal information to comply with legal obligations or for other permitted purposes. We may de-identify your personal information to remove identifiable data.

Access to Your Information

Your Personal Information may be shared with our service providers and third-party vendors as necessary to provide our services to you. PlexusDx, Inc. will not sell, lease, or rent your identifiable information to any third party without your explicit consent.

How We Secure Information

PlexusDx, Inc. uses reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data in compliance with applicable laws. Data connections to and from our website use encrypted technology, and all data is stored in accordance with HIPAA and other healthcare regulations.

Information Shared with Third Parties

We share information with:

  1. Service Providers: Third parties helping us provide, analyze, and improve our Services.
  2. Aggregate Information: Data combined with others’ information, making it impossible to identify any individual.
  3. Commonly Owned Entities: Sharing Personal Information with subsidiaries or affiliates for better service.
  4. Legal Requirements: Disclosing information to comply with legal obligations, judicial processes, or to protect rights and safety.
  5. Business Transactions: Transferring information during mergers, acquisitions, or sales.
  6. Third Party Advertising: Partnering with third-party networks to manage advertising on other sites.


PlexusDx, Inc. safeguards your Personal Information using reasonable technical, physical, and administrative measures. We comply with HIPAA and GINA requirements to maintain data accuracy and security, but cannot guarantee absolute security due to inherent risks of electronic data storage and transmission.

Additional Information Concerning Your Personal Information

Depending on your state, you may have additional privacy rights regarding your Personal Information. For instance, California residents have rights under the CCPA, including:

  • The Right to Know: Requesting specific pieces of Personal Information collected and their purpose.
  • The Right to Deletion: Requesting deletion of collected Personal Information, subject to legal obligations.

Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect information from children. If we discover we have inadvertently collected such data, we will delete it.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy as we add new features and services, or as laws and industry best practices evolve. The effective date of the policy will be updated to reflect changes.

Contacting Us

For questions or complaints about this Privacy Policy, please email PlexusDx, Inc.’s Privacy Administrator at